April 22, 2018, Face the State, Judith McCormick Higgins, Shawn Mauck

Democratic State Senate candidates Judith McCormick Higgins and Shawn Mauck join Face the State this week. McCormick Higgins and Mauck are candidates for the 28th Senatorial District. McCormick Higgins says she has proven that she's on the side of taxpayers. Charlie asks McCormick Higgins about her plan to win the primary and general elections. Mauck cites his mayoral experience and working in the Auditor General's office, he also says he never voted for a tax increase as mayor and vetoed the last proposal. Much more is discussed, enjoy!

April 15, 2018, Face the State, Sen. Mike Regan

State Sen. Mike Regan joins Face the State this week. Topics discussed include school safety, arming teachers, performance based budgeting, and more. Charlie asks Sen. Regan about Pennsylvania shifting to a part-time legislature. Sen. Regan responds that constituents have been conditioned  to have constant access to their state elected officials, but he could support the idea and indicates he voted to downsize the legislature. Charlie also asks Sen. Regan about the General Assembly's appetite for additional taxation on natural gas extraction.

April 8, 2018, Face the State, Rep. Kristin Phillips-Hill

State Representative Kristin Phillips-Hill is this week's Face the State guest. Representative Phillips-Hill discusses growing our economy, including with reducing state regulations and streamlining permitting. Charlie asks Representative Phillips-Hill about the 2018-19 state budget, and the prospects of an additional tax on natural gas. Representative Phillips-Hill has great concerns over Governor Wolf removing businesses ability to depreciate assets on their state taxes. Representative Phillips-Hill explains the Governor's move equates to a $500 million tax.